Dental Crowns La Jolla, CA
At Open Wide La Jolla in La Jolla, CA we offer a number of cosmetic and restorative dental treatments, including dental crowns to help our patients achieve healthy and beautiful smiles. Dental crown is a type of restoration that covers the entire visible surface of a tooth. A crown can be used as an anchor for other dental work, such as bridges or dentures.
What is a Dental Crown?
A crown is a dental restoration that completely covers the visible portion of a tooth. It’s similar to a cap, but it covers more of the tooth. A filling is used to fill in cavities when they are small or just starting to form, while a crown covers larger areas where there are multiple cavities or decay.
Crowns can be made from different materials depending on your needs and budget:
- Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) is an all-ceramic material that looks like natural enamel when finished
- Composite resin (plastic) has no metal at all; it’s lighter than other types of crowns but also less durable
How are crowns used?
Crowns are used to restore a tooth that has been damaged or decayed. They can also be used to strengthen weak teeth, cover a dental implant, improve the appearance of your teeth and more. Crowns are custom-made to fit over the existing tooth so it looks natural while providing strength and durability.
Crowns can also be used to strengthen weak teeth or cover a dental implant.
A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that covers the entire tooth. Crowns can be used to strengthen weak teeth, cover a dental implant or to cover a tooth that has been damaged or decayed.
When you come in for your appointment in our comfortable office in La Jolla, CA, we will take an impression of your mouth and send it to our lab where they will create the mold needed for your crown(s). Dr. Dains will then place them on each individual tooth using cement as well as additional bonding material if needed.
Tooth prep for crown placement.
The tooth underneath a crown may have to be prepared before the crown can be placed. The dentist will remove any decay, smooth the tooth and shape it so that it is ready to accept the crown. The crown will be made in the dental lab and fitted to the prepared tooth
Crowns aren’t just used for cosmetic purposes.
Crowns are used to cover dental implants, strengthen weak teeth and cover a tooth that has been damaged or decayed. They can be made of porcelain or metal, depending on your needs.
Dental crowns are more than just cosmetic–they’re also functional! If you have a cracked or chipped tooth that’s causing discomfort, a crown can be placed over the damaged area so it looks like nothing ever happened. Crowns can also help fix gaps between your teeth by making them stronger than they were before.
A crown might be needed if you have an old filling that continually falls out, or if there is decay under the surface of your tooth that cannot be treated any other way.
If you have an old filling that continually falls out, or if there is decay under the surface of your tooth that cannot be treated any other way, a crown might be needed. Crowns are used to restore teeth and fix damaged teeth. They can also be used to cover dental implants or strengthen weak teeth, especially if you grind your teeth at night (bruxism).
Crowns may also be used as an alternative to fillings when there is no room in the tooth for additional restorative material because of its size or shape. This can happen over time as we age because our jawbones shrink as we get older so they don’t fit as well around our teeth anymore!
In our office, we use metal-free alternatives to standard dental materials like porcelain, which may help reduce sensitivity and/or improve your overall oral health.
Porcelain crowns are often the best choice for replacing missing teeth or repairing damaged ones. They’re strong enough to withstand chewing and biting pressure without cracking or breaking off at the gum line. Porcelains also provide excellent color match with surrounding natural teeth so that you can enjoy a beautiful smile without anyone knowing that you have a crown on your tooth!
But there are other options besides porcelains when it comes to dental restorations:
- Metal-free alternatives such as zirconia (zirconium dioxide) can be used instead of porcelain if you have severe allergies or sensitivities to metals such as nickel. These materials won’t discolor over time like some other materials do; however they aren’t quite as strong so may not last as long before needing replacement again after years of wear from eating hard foods like nuts/seeds/beans etc..
If you think you need a dental crown, contact Open Wide La Jolla today!
Dr. Dains can help determine if this procedure is right for you, and discuss both the cost and timeline of treatment. If all goes according to plan, our talented team will take impressions of your teeth and create a custom-fit crown that will look natural when it’s placed on top of them.
We’re happy to answer any questions and help you determine if this treatment is right for you, give us a call!